custom software using motion detection with a webcam and 3D animation. each animation, and corresponding audio, is triggered separately relative to where a figure is detected in space. meant to be projected large scale. 2022

custom software using a webcam to track faces and display 3D animation. skull turning and shattering reacts dynamically to tracked face. 2021

3D animation, looping. looping audio. 2020

custom software using face tracking with a webcam and 3D animation. The rolling onion animation is triggered when a face is detected. silent. 2021

3D animation, looping. silent. 2021

custom software using motion detection with a webcam and 3D animation. flowers are displayed based on where the contours of a moving figure are detected. meant to be projected large scale. looping audio. 2022

3D animation, looping. silent. 2020

custom software using a pressure sensor installed behind painting. pressure triggers 3D animation dynamically. 2022

custom software using face tracking with a webcam and 3D animation. The blooming flower animation is triggered when a face is detected. 2022

custom software using motion detection with a webcam and 3D animation. each animation, and corresponding audio, is triggered separately relative to where a figure is detected in space. meant to be projected large scale. 2022
custom software using a webcam to track faces and display 3D animation. skull turning and shattering reacts dynamically to tracked face. 2021
3D animation, looping. looping audio. 2020
custom software using face tracking with a webcam and 3D animation. The rolling onion animation is triggered when a face is detected. silent. 2021
3D animation, looping. silent. 2021
custom software using motion detection with a webcam and 3D animation. flowers are displayed based on where the contours of a moving figure are detected. meant to be projected large scale. looping audio. 2022
3D animation, looping. silent. 2020
custom software using a pressure sensor installed behind painting. pressure triggers 3D animation dynamically. 2022
custom software using face tracking with a webcam and 3D animation. The blooming flower animation is triggered when a face is detected. 2022